When I set up this blog I quickly designed
a simple header for the top. I knew a little bit
about the project~ that one of it's core ideas,
is to build a bridge between two green spaces.
So I decided a simple 3 panel image where
the type could be placed would suffice, and I
would use a simple palette of greens for the
background and the type. The two green boxes
are connected by the space in the middle.
The white space could represent a bridge.
I imagined that this header could be used as
a springboard for other design ideas about
connection(s). And I imagined that students
would redesign the header after there was some
imagery that could be used to fill in those green
The type could be rearranged in a variety of ways: Stacked
upon each other, running all togther in one box, etc...
As we begin to think about a design for the postcard
and or poster, it would be useful to think about how
we could go about branding the PGH Green Bridge
A brand is a name or trademark connected with a product or producer.[1] Brands have become increasingly important components of culture and the economy, now being described as "cultural accessories and personal philosophies". Souce: Wikipedia
So I have come up with a similar layout which could be developed along
with the header. It is based on the same 3 boxes which represent the concept
of connection. The size is based on a standard postcard size of 4 x 6 inches,
but a poster could be made increased in size but keeping the same dimensions.
(For example: 12 x 18")
Along with a brief description of the project, (Connie will provide this or we'll
use what is already on the blog) the card needs to contain the following information...
The Mattress Factory PGH Green Bridge Project was made possible by support from the Surdna Foundation. Education programs at the Mattress Factory are supported by the Allegheny Regional Asset District, Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, The Grable Foundation, The Heinz Endowments, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Richard King Mellon Foundation, and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.
~ David